Consider a Power Nap for Better Health
Do you sometimes get a bit sleepy at your desk or job in the early or mid-afternoon? Find yourself reaching for that coffee or energy drink after lunch to help you make it through the day? Do you struggle with a lack of energy and concentration some afternoons?
This article provides an overview of napping, the healing benefits from napping, famous nappers in our history, and strategies for napping successfully.
Naps are a controversial subject, depending on who you're talking with... but my focus here is on health -- and occasional afternoon naps (especially as you start to feel groggy from your lunch) can do wonders for you. Studies show that taking a short power nap (10-20 minutes) in the mid-afternoon may be good for your brain.
Seems like years ago the term Power Nap was a thing, and guess what? It still should be! A short afternoon nap can restore and refresh you when experiencing a natural decline in energy and wakefulness.
Yes, there is a stigma about napping that goes all the way to childhood when many of us hated to be put down for an afternoon nap. And the always-on American work culture typically frowns on naps as well, but naps offer so many benefits for self-improvement and performance.
Finally, as with much in our lives, we must remember the importance of self-care and giving ourselves permission for healing and getting refreshed -- and an afternoon nap may be the self-care you need. Just remember to give yourself that permission and go into the nap looking forward to some peace, calm, and rest before you have to jump back into the rest of your work day.
Benefits of Napping
Studies showcase a myriad of benefits from napping, including:
Reduced stress and fatigue
Boost in emotional stability
Better mood
Increased alertness
Stronger focus and attention, learning ability
Improved creativity and performance
Famous Nappers
Not sure that napping is best for you? Look at some of these famous nappers:
Albert Einstein
Winston Churchill
Lyndon B. Johnson
Johannes Brahms
Eleanor Roosevelt
Thomas Edison
Salvador Dali
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Napping Strategies
If you're working from home, then taking a nap is a pretty simple process of heading to the sofa or your bed, but at the office, it can be trickier -- and you may have to use your car for your nap.
Still, the napping strategy remains the same:
Nap no later than mid-afternoon (between 2 and 3 pm) so that you don't disrupt your sleep cycle
Find a quiet, cool area with comfortable chair, sofa, rug
Consider ear plugs if there is too much ambient noise (or a white noise app if it's too quiet)
Consider a mask or fabric covering for your eyes, if you can't control the lighting
Set a wake-up timer for the ideal nap time (adding a few minutes if you have trouble falling asleep)
If you still want that cup of coffee, drink it right before your nap and the caffeine should kick in right about the time you are waking up, helping with additional clarity and energy
Final Thoughts on Napping for Better Health
Napping is not for everyone, so it's okay if you choose not to take naps -- or are unable to nap.
Naps can be a great tool, but should not be something you do daily. If you are having trouble sleeping at night, then that should be your first avenue of research -- so you can attempt to fix whatever is causing your poor sleep.
If you are against napping or are afraid you will become dependent on napping, another alternative for a brain and wakefulness boost is to take a short walk outside -- ideally in a local park. The combination of sun, walking, and nature should be enough to revitalize you for the rest of the day.
Additional Napping and Sleep Resources

Dr. Randall Hansen is an advocate, educator, mentor, ethicist, and thought-leader... helping the world heal from past trauma. He is founder and CEO of, a network of empowering and transformative Websites, including
He is the author of the groundbreaking Triumph Over Trauma: Psychedelic Medicines are Helping People Heal Their Trauma, Change Their Lives, and Grow Their Spirituality and the well-received HEAL! Wholeistic Practices to Help Clear Your Trauma, Heal Yourself, and Live Your Best Life.
Dr. Hansen's focus and advocacy center around true healing ... healing that results in being able to live an authentic life filled with peace, joy, love. Learn more by visiting his personal Website, You can also check out Dr. Randall Hansen on LinkedIn.